When You're Meant For Even Greater Things, Which Path Will You Choose? << Breakthrough Success Strategy

A time comes in our lives when we reach a major crossroad or what I call a defining moment. These moments are defining because the choice made is an immediate, life-altering decision that impacts our present and shifts the direction of our future. It is a choice that requires courage regardless of which path you choose.

One choice is to follow that gnawing sense deep within that believes you are not achieving your full potential, that you are meant for even greater things. While you may not know exactly what those greater things are, you chose this path because you believe in your own potential and are willing to bet on yourself. While you had to overcome doubts and challenge fears that existed because the path is unknown, unclear and thus felt a bit risky, you did it because you knew that all great successes require a leap of faith. Will you trust yourself enough to choose this path?

The other choice is to continue on your existing path that’s familiar, comfortable and seemingly less risky. While this choice appears to be the safer, easier choice that is an illusion. In reality, based on my clients and my personal experience this path:

  • Becomes the more difficult path over time because events will continue to occur to encourage you to change paths by shifting to the path that leads to the fulfillment of your higher purpose
  • Lacks the depth of fulfillment, love and meaning that’s possible in life and business when we push ourselves to get uncomfortable, overcome fear and move forward to achieve even greater things
  • Will not lead to the ultimate understanding, growing and fulfilling of your greater life’s purpose

When you bravely choose to take the unclear path that enables you to discover what that gnawing sense means, have confidence that as you move forward the path will become clear. As your path unfolds it will lead to understanding and fulfilling your life’s greater purpose, which is the reason this gnawing sense encouraged you to take this path. In fact, this sense will persist in varying degrees of intensity until you do choose to take this path because this higher purpose is the primary reason you exist. If you choose to remain on your existing path you will have other attention-getting opportunities and defining moments until you change paths. 

The longer this gnawing sense is ignored the more frequent and attention-getting these events will become; eventually giving you no choice but to pay attention and seek the deeper meaning for why these events are happening. At some point the only real choice becomes saying “Yes” and moving forward to fulfill your higher purpose otherwise it feels as if a major part of you is dying, your potential underdeveloped and/or your life unfulfilled.

Make It Actionable™

Let’s make this actionable by considering the defining moments in your life and where they are leading you. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • What was the last defining moment in your life? In your business?
  • What were the choices you had to choose from?
  • Is the choice you made leading you where you thought it would lead? If not, why not?
  • Now that you have greater insight by taking this path, is it leading you where you ultimately want to be at the end of your life? Is it enabling you to become the person you want to be?
  • If not, where do you think you’d be in your life now if the other choice had been made? How about your business, where would it be?
  • When you look back from the end of your life, what will enable you to know your life mattered and made a difference?
  • Was there another choice that had been missed because it was less obvious at the time? If so, where would that choice have led?
  • Based on your answers, what would you do differently today?

If you believe you’d do something differently today and take action to follow this deeper knowing, have faith that if you remain open it will guide you to the path that leads to your higher purpose. This path isn’t straight or smooth but little by little events, acquaintances and conversations will come into your life to advance you further down the path to understanding and fulfilling your higher life’s purpose when you believe you are meant for even greater things.

Did these insights and strategies add value to help you based on where you’re at in your life today? If so, then you’ll appreciate the additional training in my upcoming complimentary webinar to help you further.

Posted by: Janice Stefanus
