Tim Hansen has spoken at a variety job search workshops, Chamber of Commerce Functions and numerous Networking & Entrepreneurial events.
Some of the topics he's spoke on include..
*How to repackage your existing skill set & experience at this stage of life for success in finding your next work/income opportunities.
*Exploring ways to combine traditional employment, i.e. Job with a Side Hustle designed to act as a hedge against unemployment as well as fuel a passion project.
*Understanding the emotional roller coaster that comes with job/career changes at this stage of life and how to successfully navigate them to your next venture.
Other Speaking Engagements
"How to Flip the Script; The Keys for Job Search and Career Advancement in the 2nd Half of Life” Live Presentation for Saint Isidore’s Networking Group (SING) https://www.f6s.com/st.isidorenetworkinggroupsing Monday September 9, 2019 6:30-9:00pm at Saint Isidore Catholic Church Youth Center 428 La Gonda Way Danville, CA
Join us Monday night when 2nd Act Coach Tim Hansen shares real life examples of how you can dramatically improve your work/income situation in the second half of life. He will show how you can ‘flip the script’ when faced with "Your Overqualified”, ”I apply for work online but never hear back" & more. You have BIG positives to offer but unless you project them, they be lost in any conversation.
About Tim Hansen Tim Hansen, President of Second Act Career Coaching, focuses on helping people rebrand, reinvent & rediscover new ways to pursue work/income opportunities in the second half of their lives that are profitable and fulfilling. Tim has recently created a career development podcast and blog for those in the second half of their life. It can be accessed at https://secondactcareercoaching.com/podcast
He has also served as a Recruiting Consultant for the last 15 years and has assisted in building teams for a wide range of companies, from Startups to Fortune 100 companies with an emphasis on the Technology, Sales, Insurance & HR sectors. In his recruiting capacity, Tim has seen firsthand the real-life interview challenges of people looking for work in the second half of their life.
SING'S Six-Step Transition Program
1. Programs that help to recognize and deal with the hopelessness and helplessness, anger and denial, and all the other negative emotions that can come from losing a job. A positive attitude with no emotional baggage is key to success.
2. Programs focused on self-assessment; figuring out our strengths, skills, experience, etc., - the gifts that we are offering in creating value in whatever we choose to
3. Programs designed to help in the preparation of the "marketing materials" needed to communicate who we really are. - branding, "marketing one-pager", LinkedIn profiles, Resume writing, workshop
4. Programs to improve and reinforce networking skills.
5. Programs to enhance Interviewing skills; handling objections; dealing with age issues; dealing with "over experienced" issues
6. Job market information. - who is hiring, who is it they hiring,
To book Tim as a speaker at your next event or to have him present a workshop to your audience please call or email him and his team at
Tim Hansen Phone: 510-508-0896 Email: tim@secondactcareercoaching.com Website: www.SecondActCareerCoaching.com